Throughout the country, FirstNet® has had so much growth and movement since inception. We are excited to be part of this network that is designed for First Responders. As a recap to our successes, here are a few milestones FirstNet has achieved.
FirstNet Momentum
Over 750,000 FirstNet Connections have been established.
Approximately 9,000 Public Safety Agencies have subscribed across the country.
There are over 75 FirstNet Ready™ Devices available to choose from, thus giving First Responders and supportive agencies the flexibility to decide on the best device for their projects.
There are about 650 Markets with Band 14 Spectrum. Markets defined by FCC CMAs.
Records show FirstNet is faster than any Commercial Network. This is based on AT&T analysis of Ookla® Speedtest Intelligence® data average download speed for Q2 2019.
About 65% of Band 14 Coverage is completed. This puts the coverage project well ahead of schedule, giving more users a better experience.
Over 50 unique smartphone applications in the FirstNet App Catalog that enhance the services of FirstNet. These apps allow you to customize your experience and improve the services you offer.
There are 75 dedicated deployable network assets, including 3 Flying COWs™, giving coverage and enhancing the services where it is needed the most in an emergency.
Finally, there are over 175 asset deployments for planned and emergency events this year.
Two Way Direct and FirstNet
Two Way Direct is a value-added FirstNet Dealer with a nationwide dealer and strategic partner ecosystem of emerging technologies powered by FirstNet.
Call us at (888) 742-5893 to activate your communication devices for your team on FirstNet.