Did you know that you can finance your Two Way Direct purchase with no money down? Financing plans allow organizations to get the equipment they need now while extending payment timeframes, often without affecting bank or credit lines. Two Way Direct now partners with lenders to offer attractive payment options.
What Products Does This Include?
Financing applies to all products such as two-way radios, repeaters, and accessories.
Is Two-Way Radio Leasing and Financing For Me?
If you are looking to spend $5,000 or more and you possess good credit, this may be a great choice and an easy solution for you and your team.
Here is what it entails:
- Two-way radio equipment totaling over $5,000
- 1-5 year terms available
- No money down
- No application fees
- Low monthly payment
- Low-interest rates - dependent on credit and current bank interest rates
How Does Two-Way Radio Leasing Work?
It’s simple! We create a quote for your equipment and include the “buy now” price along with the cost to finance.
If financing looks like the best option for you, we’ll connect you with our financing department in order to submit your application and validate your rates.
Two Way Direct prepares the estimate for the customer with a lease option proposal if the transaction total is $5,000 or more.
- If the Customer decides to go with the leasing option, the Account Manager will send a credit application. Then, the Customer will return a completed application to our Accounting Department.
- We submit your application to our Lending Partner and provide a warm introduction between you and the bank.
- Our Lending Partner will send Two Way Direct a Purchase Order once the order is approved within a few hours.
- The Account Manager will process the order and send the Lending Partner the invoice.
- The Customer will be notified when the order ships and receive tracking information.
It is as simple as that!
Call Us To See If You Qualify To Lease Your Two-Way Radios
For more information on your financing options, give us a call at (888) 742-5893 and to see if you qualify.