Hytera HP702 vs. HP782 Two-Way Radios

Posted by Two Way Direct on 22nd Sep 2022

   The Hytera HP7 series two-way radios were developed as a more rugged and portable option for environments and industries across the board. The HP702 and HP782 handhelds present functionality, advanced audio, a more powerful battery and increased durability.

These radios both possess features including:

  • IP68 Durability Rating
  • Bluetooth options
  • GPS Positioning
  • One Touch Call/Text
  • Dual Mode (Analog and Digital)
  • Analog and Digital Emergency Calling
  • Lone Worker and Man Down
  • Over 1000 channels
  • Supports DTMF Phone Calls

And more!

So what sets these two models apart?

   While the HP702 and HP782 are pretty much the same size, the 782 model is just a hair heavier. Also, the HP702 possesses a .91” OLED” Display while the 782 offers an LCD 2.4” Display with full keypad and navigation buttons. Though the HP782 is able to offer this “extra” feature with the display, the HP702 actually has slightly longer battery life with up to 26 hours (GPS disabled) as opposed to the 24 hours (GPS disabled), which the HP782 offers.

   Though these differences may seem minimal, it really is these little “extras” that create the optimal two-way radio system. So, whether you need them or not, both HP7 series two-way radios will be able to provide you with extended coverage, longer battery life, enhanced durability along with portability and efficiency in your communications.


For more information on the HP7 Series two-way radios for your team, feel free to reach out to us at 888-742-5893 or request a quote and we will get back with you.